Отчет: GM работает над собственными электрическими фургонами для доставки

Автомобиль может стать одним из 20 новых электромобилей GM, которые должны появиться к 2023 году.

шевроле экспресс 2500 грузовой фургон

  • Reuters reports that GM is working on an commercial electric van, code-named BV1.
  • If true, GM would be joining startups Rivian and Arrival in the electric-delivery-van market, but GM told C / D that it has nothing to announce at this time.
  • The vehicle would likely be built using GM’s Ultium battery platform which, according to GM, should have pricing parity with gas vehicles in a few years.
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The EV focus tends to be on the rise of electrified passenger vehicles. But the low fuel cost, reduced maintenance, and high torque also make an electric powertrain ideal for deliveries. It’s enough for Amazon- and Ford-backed Rivian and Hyundai-backed startup Arrival to bet on the market. Now, according to a Reuters report, GM is also joining the fray.

Reuters reports that it spoke to five sources familiar with GM’s plan to electrify a van. Internally the vehicle is code-named BV1, and it’s expected to go into production at the Detroit-Hamtramck plant in late 2021, the news service reports. The vehicle will use the automaker’s new Ultium battery technology that could potentially remove one of the biggest hurdles against EVs being used commercially, and that’s the purchase price.

Поставки на электричестве

Electric vehicles might be cheaper to fuel and maintain, but the initial cost is still a hurdle for some, especially delivery companies that are dealing with razor-thin profit margins already. That’s where GM’s Ultium comes in. The automaker says that its next-generation battery technology will bring down cost of a battery to $100 per kilowatt-hour. According to Bloomberg analysts, the average 2019 cost per kilowatt-hour was $156. If that number can be brought down to $100, it would essential mean an EV would cost the same as a comparable gasoline-powered vehicle. And that would be a big deal for passenger vehicles and even bigger for those looking to purchase an electric vehicle for business use.

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General Motors told Автомобиль и водитель that it “is committed to an all-electric future and is implementing a multi-segment, scalable EV strategy to get there.” The automaker also said, “At this time, we do not have any announcements to make regarding electric commercial vehicles.”

Если отчет Reuters подтвердится, GM присоединится к стартапам по производству электромобилей Arrival и Rivian. Последний заручился поддержкой Ford и, что более важно для сектора доставки, Amazon. Гигант розничной торговли заказал 100,000 2030 электрических фургонов Rivian для доставки к 10,000 году и планирует выпустить 2022 XNUMX из них уже в XNUMX году. Но Amazon — не единственная игра в городе, и многим другим компаниям нужны фургоны для доставки. . Через несколько лет некоторые из этих предприятий могут отправлять посылки в электрических фургонах GM.

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